Председательство BRICS TVET

Председательство BRICS TVET


«Vocational education and training and its impact on the development of the BRICS countries potential»


KAZAN Declaration of the 11th Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Education 11 June 2024 Kazan, Russia

Contact e-mail of research group:  

The goal is to increase the role of technical and vocational education and training and the representation of vocational education topics on the BRICS agenda.

To achieve the goal, it is assumed:

  1. to form common approaches of the BRICS TCA Alliance members to the qualitative and quantitative assessment of vocational education;
  2. to create the first analytical review with the results of an international study of the contribution of technical and vocational education and training to increase the BRICS countries potential.

The review presumably includes sections corresponding to various characteristics of the contribution of vocational education to the development of the BRICS countries potential (for example, human potential, innovative, economic, technological, etc.). The structure of the analytical review and the methodology for calculating indicators are coordinated by representatives of the countries in the BRICS TCA Alliance.

Suggestions for the contents of the review:

  • Analytical review of technical and vocational education and training in the BRICS countries;
  • Analysis of the contribution of vocational education to the development of the BRICS countries potential  (for instance, human potential, innovation, economic, technological, etc.), including:
  • Comparative and descriptive analysis of statistics of vocational education systems according to the methodology agreed by the members of the Alliance;
  • The best national practices of BRICS countries;
  • Memorandum on promising steps for the joint development of this area by the forces of professional education and collaboration of the BRICS+ countries in this area;
  • Appendices including Research Methodology, materials and tables based on the results of the joint study;

The study involves the formation of a specialized group of experts in technical and vocational education from the countries participated in the BRICS TCA Alliance.
The achievement of the goal involves the inclusion of the results of the project «Vocational education and its impact on the development of the BRICS countries potential» in the BRICS agenda and presentation at joint events of BRICS countries.


2024 BRICS-TCA TVET Teacher Capacity Building Webinar V “Career Pathways of TVET students”

2024 BRICS-TCA TVET Teacher Capacity Building Webinar V “Career Pathways of TVET students”

November 29, 2024, Saint Petersburg

Дата Публикации: 2025-02-11

Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS countries: Identification of Common Pathways and Development Technologies

Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS countries: Identification of Common Pathways and Development Technologies

On the 16th of October 2024, the regular international coordinators working meeting in the framework of the international study “Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS Countries” took place on the premises of the Federal Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and Training held.

Дата Публикации: 2024-10-16

Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS Countries: Identification of Common Pathways and Development Technologies

Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS Countries: Identification of Common Pathways and Development Technologies

On the 3rd of October, the meeting of the BRICS-TCA international coordinators working group took place on the premises of the Federal Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and Training. At the meeting features of TVET systems in Brazil, the Russian Federation, India and South Africa were discussed. The meeting was organized in the framework of the international study “Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS Countries”.

Дата Публикации: 2024-10-03

BRICS-TCA Seminar “TVET Attractiveness and Role in Contemporary World”

BRICS-TCA Seminar “TVET Attractiveness and Role in Contemporary World”

BRICS-TCA seminar “TVET Attractiveness and Role in Contemporary World” was organised in the hybrid format on August 26, 2024 in Kaluga-city (Russia). The seminar was held as part of the TVET Forum “Creating Future with our Hands”, one of the largest events in the field of TVET in 2024. The Forum brought together TVET educators and experts from different countries – some participated in person, others online. The Forum with international participation embraced an impressive scope of events addressing diverse TVET-related issues.

Дата Публикации: 2024-08-26

On-line BRICS-TCA Seminar “New occupations evolution: from idea to students’ graduation”

On-line BRICS-TCA Seminar “New occupations evolution: from idea to students’ graduation”

On-line BRICS-TCA Seminar “New occupations evolution: from idea to students’ graduation” took place in Veliky Novgorod city (Russia) within the High Technologies Championship on the territory of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center “Intellectual Electronics - Valdai”. The event was moderated by Ms. Marina Nevskaya – Head of International Cooperation Unit of the Federal Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and Training and was devoted to the discussion of rapidly changing labor market demands and the division of responsibilities between business and the education system.

Дата Публикации: 2024-08-18

BRICS-TCA Members International Meeting on Preparation of the Study “Technical and vocational education and its impact on the development of the potential of the BRICS countries”

BRICS-TCA Members International Meeting on Preparation of the Study “Technical and vocational education and its impact on the development of the potential of the BRICS countries”

On July 25, 2024, a dialogue concerning the study design and the conclusive examination of the TVET of the BRICS member nations was conducted. The study's focus is "Technical and vocational education and its influence on the growth potential of the BRICS countries." The emphasis on the impact of TVET is deliberate. The TVET systems of the BRICS countries are distinct, each with their individual histories, administration styles, socio-economic environments, and strategic objectives. Despite these variations, they all have a shared attribute: they each make a significant contribution to their respective nations' advancement, thereby boosting the potential of the BRICS countries. This six-month project is intended to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive review publication.

Дата Публикации: 2024-07-25

Meeting of the BRICS Education Ministers

Meeting of the BRICS Education Ministers

The 11th BRICS Education Ministers' Meeting was held in Kazan on 11th June. The meeting participants deliberated on cooperation priorities and confirmed several agreements. The gathering led to the signing of a declaration known as the KAZAN Declaration of the 11th Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Education, dated 11th June 2024. The declaration served to outline the primary areas of activity within the BRICS-TCA cooperation framework. The meeting attendees reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing the BRICS Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) exchange and cooperation. They also emphasized the essential role of the BRICS TVET Cooperation Alliance (BRICS-TCA) as a multilateral platform for dialogue, experience sharing, and project collaboration. The meeting members welcomed the development of common approaches for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of technical and vocational education and training systems via joint research projects.

Дата Публикации: 2024-06-11

BRICS-TCA Online Seminar on Cooperation in the Field of Technical Vocational Education and Training

BRICS-TCA Online Seminar on Cooperation in the Field of Technical Vocational Education and Training

The BRICS-TCA Online Seminar on Cooperation in Technical Vocational Education and Training took place in a hybrid format on the 29th of May 2024. This event was hosted both online via the Vinteo platform and in person at the “Safmar Grand Moscow” hotel. The aim was to attract and familiarize new members with the BRICS TVET Alliance's activities and the development of TVET in previously joined countries, as well as to shape a vision for the future. Over 140 participants attended the seminar, including 15 in-person attendees and 8 online participants. Connections were made from Brazil, China, South Africa, and several educational organizations from Russia. Representatives from the BRICS countries' embassies in Moscow were also present, including Ms. Maitha Al Saleh and Ms. Yulia Latysheva from the UAE Embassy in Moscow. Online participants included Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Elsergany from the Embassy of Egypt in Moscow and Mr. Sun Mingchun from the Ministry of Education of China. Speakers from the Russian Federation included Mr. Denis Gribov, Mr. Usman Rassukhanov, Mr. Viktor Neumyvakin, and Mr. Sergei Kozhevnikov. The seminar was moderated by Ms. Marina Nevskaya. Presentations were given by officials from the BRICS-TCA Secretariat and representatives from Chinese and South African Colleges. Dr. Liu Limin, Ms. An Yan, Mrs. Hu Dianyu, Mr. Tshepo Ngcobo, and Ms. Zhao Ye were among the speakers. The seminar was organized by the BRICS-TCA Secretariate and the Federal Institute for VET Development, with technical support provided by Roscongress.

Дата Публикации: 2024-05-29

The BRICS Alliance for Cooperation in the Field of Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) was founded in 2022.

Areas of activity of the Alliance-TCA:
  • providing high-quality technical and vocational education in the context of digital transformation of the BRICS countries,
  • implementation of sustainable development tasks within the framework of the common educational space of the BRICS countries,
  • strengthening cooperation in the field of TVET in order to create conditions for obtaining modern, high-quality and lifelong education,
  • integration of TVET of the BRICS countries with industry,
  • expanding research cooperation and comparability of TVET educational standards among BRICS countries.
Alliance-TCA objectives for 2024
  • Strengthening communication and dialogue, exchange of information and resources, deepening mutual understanding and trust between member organizations of the BRICS TVET Alliance
  • Promoting networking between member organizations of the BRICS TVET Alliance through activities to develop the potential of teachers, exchange of students and teachers, conduct research, etc.
  • Promoting greater integration of TVET with economic sectors
  • Expansion of Alliance membership

Joint Management Committee (JMC) – decision making body
General coordination of activities Liu Limin, President of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), Secretariat ( Ms. Xiaomeng)
The Secretariat is housed within the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE)
2024 Members of JMC from the Russian Federation:
National Coordinator (Russia Federation) - Federal Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and Training, Rector Mr. Sergei  Kozhevnikov,
The composition of the Alliance is renewed annually. In 2023 the Alliance united: 83 organisations, including professional organisations, TVET institutions, research institutes and enterprises, of which 25 were Russian.



BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.
The founding countries of Brazil, China, India, Russia held the first summit in Yekaterinburg in 2009, with South Africa joining the bloc a year later. Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joined the organization on 1 January 2024.
Combined, the BRICS members encompass about 30% of the world's land surface and 45% of the global population.

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Навигатор ФГОС СПО

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Навигатор показывает: 

  • Квалификацию
  • Область образования
  • Реквизиты приказа об утверждении
  • Статус
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Единая платформа ЦОПП

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