On the 16th of October 2024, the regular international coordinators working meeting in the framework of the international study “Technical and Vocational Education and its Impact on the Development of the Potential of the BRICS Countries” took place on the premises of the Federal Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and Training held.
From the Chinese side the meeting was attended by Ms. An Yan, Deputy Secretary-General of CEAIE, BRICS-TCA Secretariat, Prof. Yasmin from NINGBO POLYTECHNIC (NBPT), Ms. Xiaomeng, Senior Program Officer, Department of TVET and Professional Training, CEAIE.
The Chinese side highlighted the importance of research activities for strengthening of TVET cooperation between Russian and Chinese educational organizations.
The participants discussed the following issues: features of the structure of TVET education in China, current development trends and prospects for TVET cooperation. During the meeting were discussed and specified details the ongoing study, best practices and TVET technologies contributing to strengthening the BRICS countries potential in the contemporary society were presented.
The recent 2 years have been momentous for each BRICS TCA country. There have been significant changes in the sectoral structure of training, in the technologies used and in the pedagogical system. The contemporary structure, TVET development features, new education technologies will be reflected in the study.
The results of the international study will be presented early in 2025 at the BRICS-TCA meeting.